Events Diary

2025 Dates

All meetings held at Weston under Penyard Hall (off the A40) at 7:00 pm unless otherwise stated. Visitors are always welcome and your first visit is free!

Each month we also have a display table for members to show what they have been working on and we encourage everyone to bring along some of their recent work for constructive critique or to enlighten the rest of us of their methods of creation.

* Each quarter we will run the club competition. More details on the competition page.

DateEvent / Demonstrator
Wed.15th JanuaryKeith Fenton
Wed. 19th FebruarySteve Heeley
Wed. 19th MarchDave Richards - Spoon carving
* Spring competition
Wed. 16th AprilJohn Dilley - Winged bowl
Wed. 21st MayRobert Till - Smokehouse
Wed. 18th JuneSimon Hope
* Summer Competition
Wed. 16th JulyPaul Hannaby - Colouring
Wed. 20th AugustTony Jones - Scorched/gilded bowl
Wed. 17th SeptemberEmma Cook
* Autumn Competition
Wed. 15th OctoberMike Luck - Suspended bowl
Wed. 19th NovemberJeff Belcher - Christmas cracker
Wed. 3rd December* Christmas competition and AGM / Social evening